Are you blogger or internet marketer? If yes, it is important to increase traffic to your blog or web site using article directory. Yesterday when I was surfing the internet I found the great site about auto approve article directory.
At you can submit your articles and have them syndicated across the web and reach the thousands of visitors eager to find free articles and free content for their web sites. lets you submit articles, share knowledge with potential customers, receive worldwide recognition and also enjoy the following:
1. Free advertising:
Inside your resource box you can link back to your site. This is free advertising for your site. The article will also most likely be read by people interested in the topic of the article therefore people most likely to use the services which your business offers.
2. Viral Marketing:
You post one article to a directory and that same article can start to appear on many other websites at the same time. This technology is called RSS (Really Simple Syndication). If you didn't know yet, the power of RSS is simply wonderful. Big websites could potentially pick up and post your articles on their sites.
Some webmasters will pick up your articles and forward them to others, who forward them to others again. Soon, you could discover that your article has been published on hundreds of websites within days.
3. Boost Your Personal and Business Credibility:
Publishing your articles on boosts your credibility and begins the trust cycle with your readership. For many authors, being listed with is an excellent way to get started, especially if you are a published author or hope to be published soon.
4. Bring traffic to your site:
By distributing your article all over the web you can bring traffic from all different kinds of areas. Imagine your article is about technology, but it ends up being posted on a business article directory and read executives who could potentially authorize the buying of your product by their company.
5. Generate Sales and Leads even without a site:
Even if you do not own a website, having an article online can act as your website. Just make sure your article is well written and doesn't sound too commercial. Your article can be an example of your business and can include contact information like your email address allowing potential clients to reach you.
Free Press Release
Browsing internet is an enjoyable hobby. Yesterday When I was surfing I found the great site. The site is Free Press Release. A press release is a document issued to media and consumers to announce yourself and your product.
What is the benefit press release? A well-written release can dramatically increase your sales, expose your company to the masses, and greatly enhance the image of your business or products. A professionally written press release can make the difference between a successful press release and an utter failure.
Your release must have a general interest to the target audience and a strong news angle. In addition, your release needs to be written in journalistic rather than marketing style. It should be objectively written and needs to inform people, not just sell them something.
The focus of your story should not be on the subject of the product itself but on the creator of the product. A human-interest story or a hint of controversy helps create interest.
Preface the opening sentence of the release with the place and date of the release. At the end include a fairly standard paragraph about Lulu and your contact information.
What is the benefit press release? A well-written release can dramatically increase your sales, expose your company to the masses, and greatly enhance the image of your business or products. A professionally written press release can make the difference between a successful press release and an utter failure.
Your release must have a general interest to the target audience and a strong news angle. In addition, your release needs to be written in journalistic rather than marketing style. It should be objectively written and needs to inform people, not just sell them something.
The focus of your story should not be on the subject of the product itself but on the creator of the product. A human-interest story or a hint of controversy helps create interest.
Preface the opening sentence of the release with the place and date of the release. At the end include a fairly standard paragraph about Lulu and your contact information.
Pembayaran Ke-3 Dari MicroWorkers
Minggu ini, 13 Desember 2009 setelah pulang dinas dari Bengkulu saya cek email via warnet. Wow... ternyata pembayaran yang ketiga dari MicroWorkers sudah sampai ke PayPal saya. Alhamdulillah, walau hanya $10.25 tetap harus disyukuri. Bukan suatu kebetulan, jumlah ini sama dengan jumlah pembayaran pertama dari Paid2YouTube sebesar $10.25.
Ini screen shootnya. Moga aja bisa memotivasi para pemula yang ingin menghasilkan uang dari internet. Untuk bukti bayar yang pertama dan kedua dari MicroWorkers bisa sobat lihat di sini dengan total $25.39.
Sumber Dollar Gratis Lainnya:
1. Paid2YouTube: Nonton YouTube Dapat Dollar Gratis
2. MicroWorkers: Panduan dan Tips Mendapatkan Dollar Gratis Dengan Mudah
Status MicroWorkers: Saat ini sedang menunggu approve job untuk mencapai minimim pay out dari MicroWorkers. So, lagi siap-siap menunggu pembayaran yang keempat dari Microworkers.
Ini screen shootnya. Moga aja bisa memotivasi para pemula yang ingin menghasilkan uang dari internet. Untuk bukti bayar yang pertama dan kedua dari MicroWorkers bisa sobat lihat di sini dengan total $25.39.
1. Paid2YouTube: Nonton YouTube Dapat Dollar Gratis
2. MicroWorkers: Panduan dan Tips Mendapatkan Dollar Gratis Dengan Mudah
Status MicroWorkers: Saat ini sedang menunggu approve job untuk mencapai minimim pay out dari MicroWorkers. So, lagi siap-siap menunggu pembayaran yang keempat dari Microworkers.
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